EO Newsletter November 26th


EO Newsletter  26.11.2023

Dear LASers,

The festivities are approaching and the temperatures are getting lower, if you haven’t noticed already by the Christmas market next to UCF. We hope you’re prepared for the season. 🙂
Thanks to everyone who joined at the last Inter-cohort get together. Great to see you!
UCF News

Student Council Meetings

Little reminder that we are having the Student Council Meetings on Thursdays at 2pm!

Check out the minutes from this week and the agenda for the next one! 

StuRa Polls

Since StuRa matters are now voted with the newsletter, here’s the link to this week’s poll. (Voting is possible until Tuesday).

Feminism2go: Next lectures

Last week, the first lecture by Feminis2go on decolonial feminism was hold with a great audience. Keep up with the following ones!

07.12 Alice Hasters – Lesung aus: Identitätskrise
25.01 Dr. Christine Klapeer – There is no backlash!? Coloniality, LGBTIQ*- politics and the problem of (neo)liberal progress narratives.

Want your event to be officially listed on the SC website?

If you’re organizing an event as a UCF committee, write an e-mail to the mediators (lasstudentsmediator@gmail.com) and they’ll put it on the SC website’s calender 😉

Looking For

Update: The Liberal Education Student Conference is in planning

The LESC team is planning to host the next event. If anyone is interested to join the team, feel free to shoot an email to lesc.ucfr@gmail.com

Winter Formal: ideas

The winter formal is taking place on Friday 26th January in the Peterhofkeller.
If you have ideas for decorations, dancing, music or any other suggestions write an email to studentscouncil@ucf.uni-freiburg.de
We’re excited for what you come up with!


Conference of Radical Alternatives: Raw Material Transition and Post-Extractivism

After a scientific input on the need for radical alternatives from Professor Uli Brand, two parallel workshops will take place in the afternoon with Vanessa Schaeffer , former environmental lawyer for the mining-critical network Red Muqui in Peru, and Hannah Pilgrim , coordinator of the AK Raw Materials at PowerShift. A panel discussion follows in the evening. Participation is free of charge. To participate in person, we ask that
register ! Thank you!
Conference/ pannel discussion will take place on December 8th, 1:30pm / 6pm. Young Academy.
For more information, click

Call for donations for Abdalah

On Tuesday, 7th novemeber, Abdalah was deported to Ghana. Together with five refugees, he had filed a lawsuit against the house rules at the Freiburg initial reception camp (LEA) in 2020. The case is still pending before the Freiburg Administrative Court. This is a protest against the deportation mania and calling for donations for Abdalah.
Normally, the German state has to prove to refugees in the asylum procedure that they were not persecuted in their country of origin. As Ghana is classified as a so-called safe country of origin.
Homosexuality is a criminal offense in Ghana, and there have been repeated police attacks during demonstrations as well as intimidation and punishments against independent journalists. 
For more information, click
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Student Council / University College Freiburg
Bertoldstraße 17
79098 Freiburg im Breisgau
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