The UCF Student Council (SC) is the association of all Liberal Arts and Sciences students at the University College Freiburg. It allows LAS students to get together, shape their own program, and channel their brains and brawn into awesome projects. The Student Council’s organization is outlined in the Student Council Charter.

Student Council meetings take place weekly. If you have points for the Agenda, see the weekly newsletter. Topics include: academic news, event planning, current events, committee updates, university matters, and the like.
You can reach out to the Student Council at
Additionally, two General Assemblies take place during the semester. The General Assembly is the forum where votes are held (e.g., on the budget), elections for SC Offices are held, and matters of the UCF Student Council Charter are addressed. Further, it is a forum for students, faculty, and staff to update students on relevant matters (e.g., committees, BoS, the study program, etc.).