EO Newsletter December 17th 2023


EO Newsletter  17.12.2023

Dear LASers,
This will be our last newsletter before the break. We wish you some lovely Holidays, and an easy-going last week. Happy Christmas and New Year! 🙂
UCF News

Student Council Meetings

We will not have a meeting this week, but you can check out the minutes of our last one here.

Exam Registration Period III

A little reminder: You can register for examination for Block II and non-LAS courses until the 22.12. If you haven’t done it already, go register now!

UCF Christmas Punch

The Christmas Punch is coming back this year on Wednesday 20.12, from 5pm to 8pm. Remeber that you can pick up your presents from Secret Santa that day.
See you at the UCF corridors! 

Ticket reservations for the Winter Formal

Are you excited for the Winter Formal on January 26th from 8pm to 2am? Then go ahead and reserve some tickets by putting your name in this form. Each ticket costs 2,50€.

Want your event to be officially listed on the SC website?

If you’re organizing an event as a UCF committee, write an email to the mediators (lasstudentsmediator@gmail.com) and they’ll put it on the SC website’s calender 😉

Looking For

Winter festivity volunteers

The winter festivity will take place on the 20th of December!
But there’s still a lot of organizing to be done. So if you’d like to create some riddles or help with the drinks, email the Reading Room Committee: readingroomcommittee@gmail.com

Miscellaneous & External

Interdisciplinary College 2024: Registration is now open 

The Interdisciplinary College 2024 is an annual spring school, which will take place from March 1 to March 8 at Lake Möhne in Germany. For 2024, UCF staff member Dr. Simon J. Büchner will be one of the chairs. The focus theme for 2024 is Resilience, Robustness, Responsibility. 

The event is designed to bring together researchers and students from diverse academic backgrounds who share a passion for interdisciplinary learning and research – whether Neuroscience, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence or Biology. This year’s program offers an exciting lineup of courses, workshops, and activities that span various disciplines and promote collaborative, innovative thinking.
To register, click

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Student Council / University College Freiburg
Bertoldstraße 17
79098 Freiburg im Breisgau
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