Welcoming everyone:
Attendants: Sophia Wong, Nikolas Christen, Rahel Szirtes, Nicole Ahn, Caren, irem, Farbio, Radu, …
Officeholder updates:
- Instagram countdown video [10]; make a short video about the common room and student council for this countdown on social media.
Niko does a video on Monday from 2-4 – maybe a montage.
- End of semester party (Daniel said he can help DJ (& he can find someone else to help out as well), Johanna Poster, met w/ Caro (minutes below)) [20]
Make a whatsapp grp + distribute security phone number
Drink ordering (Niko is in charge of purchasing), selling craft beer at the event
“Photo booth” who can help out? (Avoid fire retardant policy) We will probably just provide a space with props that people can take pictures with. The walls of PhK are already nice – we don’t need curtains.[Sophia]
open stage organization [Rahel]
Google form, participating in the open mic needs to be edited. Start time is 7:30 – it should start at 8 – and the question could be better phrased: “I would like to perform in.” What would people like to perform: an open question. A better way to ID people who fill it out: name and cohort.
Should we try and extend our access to the PhK? Till 1:30? Can edits to the booking be made? Security? – Niko and Johanna will reach out to Caro.
Props need to be fireproofed – where are the props from last time, where is the fire-proof spray.
DJ/Hausmeister/TechGuru/SC-Rep, need to chat to figure out what is in PhK etc., if more equipment is needed we should chat with Ronnie.
- GA [10]
Another GA must be held, according to the xxx, before the end of the semester. Book a room, make slides, etc. etc.
Make an SC into a GA, we just do it all here. This could attract more people to the SC. 14th of July at 4pm.
- 1 application:
StuRa statement against “Nights of Hope” (religious missionary movement); detailed (German) explanation here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QHdjRtI12gxqoPTVPo4rCy7mEZSVZDmP/view?usp=sharing
They are missionaries in Germany and Africa where they claim to heal all sorts of physical ailments – they are ableist, homophobic, and generally critical of science. The statement to be published is a simple critique of this religious movement. Unanimously for the statement (5).
StuRa GA quorum sadly not reached 🙁 Hope it was still fun though. Official minutes are not out yet. Maybe they did show up and the quorum was met.
A successful prospective student session! (Yavuz, Nicole, and Caren)
Boards (Mediators, BOS, Outreach, Treasurer):
Final designs via printful ready and sent to Thorsten + Caro for approval. Once they have approved the new colours and (pssht!) hats, caps, and t-shirts, we can start with the orders. Very important: we need someone’s paypal account to do the orders, as an online shop is not possible (law + tax reasons). Please do ask around. [15]
ICGT on the 7th of July
Short info presentation for internationals (brief, 5-6)
Social gathering (6-7)
Announcements about other UCF events can be spoken about in this forum
Book the Co-Creation room
Money for food and drinks (alcoholic as well) ~150 Euros total – split the budget in two. One half for non-alcoholic “educational” food and drink, then one for alcoholic drinks. SVB requests go to Lena, quorum of 8 for the SC funds.
Poster on the Info Board
Pictures: for insta (countdown), going to Caro, and other forms of advertising
SC poster by Jul 7 – nicole
99.9 Euro from SC money for ICGT Jul 7 (8 Yay votes; approved)
Establishment of the UCF Gaming Club – name still in development (@ Niko and Rahel) [10]
Established as of 30/06/2023 – still needs to become active
Proposal for the UCF Gaming Committee:
The UCF Gaming Committee is a forum for students to play games of any sort. The committee meets on a regular basis for a game night (monthly?). The committee also takes on the task of organizing other gaming-related events that students want to host. Further, it takes on part of the responsibility for purchasing and organizing the board games kept in the common room.
The Gaming Committee understands games to be anything including but not limited to board games, card games, role-playing games, and video games.
A telegram, discord, and email are probably the most important platforms for organizing this club.
Miscellaneous/Wrapping up:
Make a whatsapp grp
Newsletter: Bachelor Conference and ICGT