Attendants: [Names]
- Lena, Yavuz, Niko, Sophia, Jakob, Antonia, Johanna, marianne, Ronnie
Officeholder updates:
- Beginning the planning of the End of Semester Party
->volunteers offered last week. To make: a document describing what the events should be like, activities, people in charge, etc.
- Planning the Welcome Week
-> Sophia: recommendations from the previous welcome week regarding scheduling. We should not dive into specific events, instead have another meeting to discuss that.
Niko: Recommendations from mediators about announcing with anticipation.
Jakob: give the firsties the opportunity to get to know each other and then let them mingle by themselves.
Sophia: the events themselves are intense and there is no time to chill. Found most of the events unorganized. We don’t have events too emotionally demanding now, so we have more events that are for sitting down.
Lena: Last year’s welcome week was fine because they were social events and were not mandatory. People just choose to not go to some events. We should make some mandatory or not mandatory.
Sophia: We have no say in what events are mandatory or not, when they are happening, etc.
Niko: schedule was not problematic.
-> Tofu hunt: in the previous one the groups were chosen randomly.
- Charter Amendments: 1) the three step process, 2) interviews and responsibilities, 3) what is the purpose of a Charter
Niko: three steps process. Basically going through the documents and editing. Identifying what is there, what is missing, etc. Uploaded a new document on the Charter Amendments drive.
Niko: Everything to do with the treasurer role is very vague. We could have a one-on-one meeting.
For the first step, create a new document. Then putting all the information together, editing, etc.
Discuss the purpose of the charter. To be a starting point for people to know what are the purposes and what each position is supposed to do.
Niko: Mediators in the chart should say that their role is about mediating conflicts. Yavuz: communication problems.
Sophia: staff is asking about the task of mediators. About exams, clarification of role, study affairs, etc. Wiki page has incorrect information. The efficiency and accuracy of information is lacking between staff and students. We could define this case as study related. Lack of efficient communication.
Yavuz: should be mainly about communication (students-thorsten). How to contact the staff, how to do it, etc. Specific cases. If there is anything the mediators can do to improve the communication, then they should. Not to be entangled in study affairs.
Yavuz and Sophia: to have a separate meeting about this.
- Time estimate: 15 minutes
- Caren can’t be there today! So sorry for the short notice! Sending lots of love!
- You can find the agenda and applications here
- You can find the minutes here
- Voting: Application for an official statement on the UB exhibition on the founding of the state of Israel. Main points of critique are that no sources are provided and that Palestinians are presented in a generalized, rather negative manner (focus is the generalization). Find the final version here (sadly only available in German)
- Voting: Financial application 1: Workshop on racism in the climate movement. 416,80€ from group support budget, currently holds 842€ from an original 7500€ for this quarter.
- Voting: Financial application 2: Workshop on masculinity in dialogue. 300€ from faculty budget, currently holds 5700€ of an original 6000€ until 31.03.24.
- Information: There is an application for a statement on the incarceration of Lina E., however the document with the final statement version is faulty and currently empty (only the initial version is available). Ergo I don’t know what the final version is. I propose we abstain, or have the stura delegate that joins next Tuesday decide on our behalf.
Going over the StuRa affairs.
Ub exhibition:
Document against the exhibition, it presents Palestinians in a negative way.
Niko: Statement that is being asked from the Islamic and Arabic faculty.
It has become an issue because of the StuRa.
Voting: 6 in favor, 2 abstention
Financial application:
Workshop on racism in the climate movement. Budget 416,80
Comes from peaceful action: training programs, etc. Organization located in Freiburg, but also throughout Germany.
Money is for the 2 people who run the organization here.
Voting: 8 in favor, 1 abstention
Workshop on masculinity in dialogue
“Between invisible and heroic: Masculinity in dialogue” Money comes from their faculty.
Workshop about masculine hegemony.
Voting: 8 in favor
Application for a statement on the incarceration of Lina.
Lena: We should give discretion to the StuRa delegate
->We don’t have information about it (final document is not available).
Voting in favor is fundamental, abstention means the delegate has the discretion.
Delegate making the decision:
Voting: 5
Us making the decision:
Voting: 1
Voting: 1
Boards (Mediators, BOS, Outreach, Treasurer):
- BoS: BoS meeting on 29th of June, any input from students?
Meeting next week to discuss the topics. Asking about the topics important to students.
Lena: about ChatGPT. Declaration of originality, use of it, etc.
Sophia: there is a discussion whether the university should buy an AI detector. (personally disagree)
Ronnie: We should create a statement against this, where students would be able to vote.There should be more trust in the students, not distrust. It’s like when they were prohibiting the use of google when it first came out.
Sophia: We, as students, should state our usage of chat gpt on our own.
Ronnie: We should be able to edit the declaration of originality that students sign in every course.
Miscellaneous/Wrapping up:
- Padlet
- Photos of SC
->Schall & Rauch Lena provided coins for the production Café Populaire.
-> SC new photos