Minutes SC meeting 01.02.2024

Welcoming everyone:

Attendants: Antonia, Sony, Johanna, Rahel

Officeholder updates:


  • Project: general SC Google Drive: who will do it? – Antonia has shared several folders of interest with the members of the student council (just ws2023/24 tho)
  • To do: update treasurer email on the website 



Boards (Mediators, BOS, Outreach, Treasurer):

  • BOS:
  • Mediators: 
  • Treasury: 


  • Reading Room:

Funding (5 euros) for buying a new removable marker for writing the Reading Room schedule at RR’s door 

Reason: the old ones disappeared and the current one is wayyyy too thick

→ approved

  • LESC:

We would like to apply for 750 euros more from the pot UCF interdisciplinary for the LESC conference.  The money will be used on providing food (coffee breaks and lunchs) for 93 people (80 participants + 9 speakers + 4 track moderators).  We have inquired Nina and the reply was that providing food is possible, as long as we have money blocked in SVB.

→ Money could likely be obtained through Fachschaftsbudget. We’re hesitant to support this request because otherwise, there won’t be any money left in the interdisciplinary pot for other communities.

Sony: How much money is in the Fachschaftsbudget

Alex: I will get back to you on that

Rahel: We cannot vote on this topic because we are to few participants at this meeting

→ Maybe LESC can apply for money from other pots, otherwise we can discuss this again in a bigger group.

Proposal: Maybe the last part of the money in the Interdisciplinary pot can be left in there as a buffer for spontaneous needs.

  • Winter Formal wrap-up

Rahel is currently reimbursing all people who have had expenses.

We’ve made around 750€ profit from selling drinks and tickets.

Some of the Pfand money will be used to buy thank yous for volunteers.

Miscellaneous/Wrapping up:

  • UCF Spaces (hallway decorations, Common Room, …): A kind soul has cleaned up the Common Room, we want to get in touch with them and reward them somehow relying on SC money. However, for the future we want to find a solution so that such tasks don’t rely on one person anymore.
  • Discussion: should we have a SC Hiwi position? E.g. for media/outreach? We could book rooms through this person. → we’ll have this discussion with more members
  • Organizing the GA: 9th 5pm Max Kade 1, send a heads-up to committees, organize snacks, advertise, put up a sign about the books that were donated to us

→ we want to put out drinks

Sony: Will people have to pay for them?

Antonia: that would be kind of mean.

→ let’s do a donation box or have people pay 1€

→ snacks through SC money, if someone wants to bring food, they’re welcome to

→ we will use the slides from the last GA and edit them slightly

  • We once had the idea of gifting Thorsten a hero cape or something the like… should we do that for the end of the semester? Or does anyone actually know his birthday?

→ we could ask a teacher

  • There will be a brainstorming group made up mostly of staff to think of some redesign and updates of the UCF website. They’ve suggested that a student could also take part if anyone is interested (we could also open up this call to the entire student body) → Johanna Raab would like to take part.




