Welcoming everyone:
Attendants: Johanna, Rahel, Alex, Niko, Sony, Antonia, Janina
Officeholder updates:
- Website traffic
- GA organisation
- -> EOs going to ask staff if they can book a room for us.
- -> Time: preferably afternoon
- -> To do: contact committees
- EO Drive opening stuff
- Meet up with staff
- StuRa voting
- SVB applications
- Paul (or Nina)is updating the website
-> May G ? Contacted Alex about elections
->Sony: is there more information
Alex: it is all in the protocol, and they will give a declaration
Alex: there’s nothing official yet
Niko: could we leave this in your hands then?
Protocol: conspiracy theories, in a group pro-choice, against AfD, student from sociology and political sciences
-> we leave it to Alex
- There’s an SVB gremium
- Application for sleeping in the UB
- Application from Lydia about making possible contacts for when people go through cases of harassment.
- Demonstration “Wir sind die Brandmauer” from Ideelle Unterstützung 3rd of Feb. There’s a big demo in Berlin and now in Freiburg. 3000 requested
-> 5 in favor, 1 abstention
Boards (Mediators, BOS, Outreach, Treasurer):
- BOS:
- Mediators:
- meeting with Anne and Thorsten this week
-> would like to know if students are going through something, inform them if anything happens (if a friend is at the hospital, drops out, etc)
- information travel within UCF
- emergency buddies
-> if anyone needs help, to translate and go with them if they’re at the hospital, etc.
-> Sony: how are we spreading this out?
-> Rahel: mostly informally.
-> we could send it in the cohort groups
- Make information on mental health issues/where to find help more available – poster on walls
- More event, e.g. peer advising meet up as start of summer semester party
- Treasury:
* How much money do we have ?
Lena: Enough
- Winter Formal:
- get money to and from Lena (treasurer) – resolved
- Reach out to volunteers to organize who helps when
- Send out reminder mail
-> 21 volunteers, 3 for cleaning up
-> for the clean up, people meeting at 11
Miscellaneous/Wrapping up:
- UCF Spaces (hallway decorations, Common Room, …): better way to organize the stuff that we have and money.
- Reminder for EOs: send out a reminder about the course evaluations
- To do: Will we have SC meetings during the break? Maybe 2, depending on what comes up
- Budget request for the zero waste week project: StuRa (and SVB) funding wasn’t possible, purpose: to get prices (30€ and 20€) which were already promised by the organizers of the project
- 8 in favour -> approved
-> they might need money for posters, but can be resolved by SVB
- Budget request for the Bachelor student conference (to have refreshments
- -> Niko: maybe ask MM and Simon if it could be sponsored by UCF, otherwise come back to us