Minutes SC Meeting [07.12.2023]

Welcoming everyone:

Attendants: [Niko, Rahel, Johanna, Alex, Jakob, Antonia, Yavuz]

Officeholder updates:

  • Application from UCF Repair Cafe for 40 Euros from the StuRa Fachschaftsbudget.
    -> for new and more some word in German that didn’t get
    -> 8 in favour (approved) 
  • Should we keep the polls in the NL? (-lots of work for me but not enough participation -SC votings seem to be more efficient)
  • -> it was a way to increase participation (or open it for people who are not coming to the meetings), but it’s been time consuming and not thaaat effective
  • Niko: is it feasible to do both? And to give someone the job to write the polls? 
  • Alex: I could discuss it next week and then let you know
  •  Update from the StuRa meeting
    This week we have to vote on the following topics:
    1. Applications for different positions (all were uncontroversial actually, I think it is okay to vote for the candidates)
    – Katharina Emig (Freiburg’s  educational and research center(f0r) music)
    – Anne Schulze (ESU Conference)
    – Lisann Speldich (Commission for Questions of Diversity and Inclusion)
  • All in favour of all 3 applications

    2. Financial application
    – 250€ for financing the training hall for a student Quadball-group
    – they want to use the money from the Group-support-budget (there are 252€ left)
    → Personal opinion: as it is a student group and there are no other financial applications for this small amount, I think we can give them the money:) 
  • All in favour

    3.We are currently paying 7€ from our semester fee to the StuRa – now it should be increased to 12€ because otherwise the StuRa will have difficulties financing all of our projects. We can decide whether we are okay with the additional amount or not. 
    (Niko: I thought the increase already occurred?
    Alex: no, it was discussed last week
    The building of the StuRa is falling apart)
    This means that we are paying 5€ more 
    5 in favour, 4 abstained

    → Personal opinion: Although it is never good to have to pay more, I think there is no other option really. The StuRa-executives highlighted a few times that they see no other solution

    4. We also can vote whether we agree with the reallocation of unused SVB money
    → The executives said that this would actually lead to having more money available for the different faculties
  • 8 in favour

    5. Institutional support by the StuRa for Organizations
    5.1. ProDoc – they organise event for PhD students from all faculties
    5.2. La Banda Vaga – they are a political group ( they describe themselves as anti “authoritarian left” – they mainly organise discussions

    -> they want to promote the multidisciplinary and connect people
    ->La Banda Vaga: they have a website with all of their declarations 
    -> should we support this? The project is a good thing, and they seem to be really motivated and it is an active thing. They were a bit controversial during the StuRa 
  • Alex: still I don’t see any big problems 
  • All in favour (9)
  • Ongoing project: updating the SVB files on ILIAS, making information re SVB applications more transparent and accessible ( If you have any ideas about that please let me now:)) 
  • First SVB meeting for 2024 will take place in January ( I will be updating you once we have a date) 
  • There is the opportunity to advertise events through the StuRa channels – I just need a short info about what should be advertised before the weekly meetings (no “formal” mail needed)
Boards (Mediators, BOS, Outreach, Treasurer):
  • Mediators:
    • Comment spam issue on the UCF website should be resolved
    • We have to put “unable comments” for posts 
    • Rahel will take a picture of that 
    • Petition to change the billing information on the website-> should go to the treasurer
    • Should not be for private persons 
    • Question about the user profiles connected to the website – who should be registered there?
    • Secret Santa is happening, yayy
    • -> hope everyone signed up, all set 
    • Happening on the 19th 
  • Reading room/ Crochet (AL): financial application: 10 euros

+ clarification of duty

-> tea in the common room for the Crochet committee and other students 

9 in favour

  • Winter festivity: need volunteers
  • Question about the responsibilities of the reading rooms 
  • -> it this written somewhere? 
  • Sophia: having tea is not reading room’s committee 
  • Johanna: we could make it its responsibility 
  • Niko: is there an issue with having it as the reading room’s responsibility? 
  • Sophia: this has to be made clear. Its responsibilities are booking rooms, winter festivities, Narnia, books, etc
  • Antonia: is this written somewhere? 
  • Sophia: in a bunch of documents 
  • Needing volunteers for volunteers: maybe help from the student council 
  • Solution: to ask in the group chat

Miscellaneous/Wrapping up:

  • We gave Yavuz and Sophia their presents for their service at the Student Council 




