Minutes SC Meeting 30.11.2023

Welcoming everyone:

Attendants: Nicole, Rahel, Niko, Johanna, Sony, Antonia, Ella

Officeholder updates:

  • Proposal: info when and where SC meetings on SC board in the hallway → total agreement, will be done by Sony
  • Any topics we should bring up when meeting with staff after the SC meeting? More power in the decision making process of events SC pays for or other funding (Lena)
    → Lena already sent something to them at some point, we’ll refer to the minutes, no new information
  • Website overload email?! Bot comments are getting out of hand!
    → not certain where to actually comment, Rahel will take care that they might be disabled
  • Website rework – underway – certain sections have been rewritten and others will also be redone – the Docs page is once again discoverable, this seems to have been made private (-> was only accessible when logged in), hence 404. (Rahel and Niko) Anything people have in mind on the website that needs editing?
    → they aren’t done, more contents (committees, …) will be updated and expanded on, reworking the Intranet section (all individually protected, centralizing the protection, if possible)
  • 30,000 Euros added to the general budget of the University, this is something the StuRa could decide to do stuff with – do people have ideas for programs that could use this money or ideas for new funds?
    → we could make new pots, possibly make new projects, from Campusgrün but opening question up for everyone and passing it on to StuRa representatives; BUT keep in mind that individual application process takes a lot of time → if it’s a bigger project it might be handy to combine the application (Niko)
  • How did the poll work, was this an effective way of getting input on the upcoming issues?
    → according to Quill seems to be working acceptably so far (actually just a small amount of people but at least a few participants)
    → proposal: getting the polls by Thursday so it can be discussed in SC meeting → SC members can then try to influence/pass on the importance of some of the voting (Niko)
  • Not possible to get SVB applications anymore – deadline was today 
Boards (Mediators, BOS, Outreach, Treasurer):
  • Mediators:
    • please please upload your pictures to the drive for the picture board!! Till next wednesday! → Niko will upload pictures from the election (in EO Drive)
    • We have all the gifts, what now? Do we invite all the different past officeholders or do the new officeholders give it to them? Or or or…

→ we invite them, when they come we find them (Nicole)

→ Kimi will be sent a post card

→ Karen will receive a card with an invitation

→ EOs will send out invitations email to past office holders

  • Secret santa might take place

→ who will help in setting it up (spreadsheet who wants to participate, sending an email): Niko, Rahel

→ if someone leaves early they should ask that it should be left in the place early as well

→ budget 5-10€

→ setting up a place where to leave and pick up presents

  • Update: GAD: meeting weekly, wednesday 6pm, organization on the lecture series for the coming year on the theme “expression” is ongoing

→ question what expression means but probably just means everything (Niko, Rahel)

→ put update in the Newsletter

  • Update: Meeting weekly Crochet committee: ordered yarn via SVB already, over 10 people registered for the workshop. Workshop will take place in Dec.
  • Update: Reading room <Readingroomcommittee@gmail.com>
    • MONEY APPLICATION: 60 euros for Winter Festivity Feuerzangenbowle

→ proposal from Niko: pass application on to Lena and ask if we need to pay for all of that, joint event with staff so they might contribute (Rahel)

→ voting of SC: in favor of the application (7 yes, 1 no) !conditional on Lena’s assent!

  • Weekly meeting 
  • RR SVB budgeting meeting coming soon 

→ shouldn’t that decision already have taken place 6 months ago?

  • Will order books in Jan
  • Monthly cleaning (1 hour only) is decided in the last RR meeting. Next cleaning will be 05.12. 16:00-17:00 (tbc)
  • Winter festivity: met first time, happening on Dec 20 (include in NL pls!), volunteers needed – email reading room if interested!
    → also in NL so that people don’t book their tickets too early and can’t take part (Rahel)
  • Update: LESC (not committee):
    • Going very well
    • Many new members joining!
    • Will soon call for paper and open for registration
    • Met with Paul on financial sources on wednesday 
    • Next meeting tuesday 16-17/18 (starting time still unclear)
    • Volunteers needed for drinks, catering (and accommodation) organization (please include that in the NL)

Miscellaneous/Wrapping up:

  • Winter Formal Org Group meeting Friday, anything for them to keep in mind?

→ meeting at 1:25pm in the Common Room

→ Can we have fake snow? (Antonia) – problem of fire hazard regulations

→ paper snow flakes would be allowed on the tables (just not on the walls), setting up poles and do a net in between (possibly out of fairy lights) and attach snowflakes (sprayed) to it




