Welcoming everyone:
Attendants: Quill (minutes), Sophia (moderation), Nicole, Caren (online), Niko, Rahel, Hanna, Irem
Officeholder updates:
- GA
- Reminder to update slides, especially re: board members!
- Charter amendments
- Currently preparing to start! To be announced in GA
- Charter amendments (§9aiv: native german speaking quota? Instead of nationality)
- The photo on UCF webpage issue
- People were surprised by being on the UCF webpage
- Caro said people can revoke consent at any time! And she was under the impression people had consented
- But: people who had brought it up are not present in meeting today anyway
- Website: Guide and every board one account? Or board = 1 account and committees = 1 account?
- Backup-account might not be bad idea -> we have that already
- Will it be an issue if too many devices are linked to the same account?
- Suggestion for committees: one account for all committees. Upon request new committees get the password. Honor system, if must be EOs can always change the password as admins
- KG IV Bib (our position?)
- Motion by StuRa to have KG4 library open on Saturdays during exam phases, estimated cost 5000€/year. Support from pooled SVB funds?
- Complicated: we can support financially, but it’s not our responsibility, it should be the uni that finds money. Tentatively: reply with support, but emphasize that we can only say for sure in July after SVB meeting
- 4 applications to vote on:
- Travel cost reimbursement for driving to the LAK: 74€ from the travel cost budget (5000€ of 5000€ until 31.03.24)
- 4 in favor of full amount
- Jobticket for employees of the university student council (VS): 2750€ from the human resources budget (special budget not usually available)
- 3 in favor of full amount
- Cleaning fee of the AStA courtyard: 749,98€ from the furniture budget (14900€ of 15000€ until 31.03.24)
- 4 in favor of full amount
- Voting out the representative of students with family obligations
- Person went MIA for a while and has actually hindered decision-making processes, is now unable to carry out office but didn’t reply to offer of resignation
- 4 in favor of voting out
- Looking for new delegates!
- Niko potentially interested! + EO-Alex to become secretary of university affairs! Quill and Sophia as back-up. The more people we are the easier it gets
- Niko potentially interested! + EO-Alex to become secretary of university affairs! Quill and Sophia as back-up. The more people we are the easier it gets
Boards (Mediators, BOS, Outreach, Treasurer):
- Mediators: no update
- Treasurer: no update
- BOS?
- Outreach?
- Intensity: 99.99€ for financing summer camping; +100€ FBB for same purpose
- Majority in favor!
- Majority in favor!
Miscellaneous/Wrapping up:
- N/A